Can Military Intervention Limit Refugee Flows?
Barry R. Posen
in Rainer Munz and Myron Weiner, eds., Migrants, Refugees, and Foreign Policy (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1997)
Analysis -
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller (eds.)
(Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 1997)
Analysis -
Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy
Barry R. Posen
International Security, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Winter 1996/97) (With Andrew L. Ross)
Analysis -
Ethnic Conflict, Social Science, and William Butler Yeats: A Commentary on Russell Hardin’s One For All: The Logic of Group Conflict
Roger Petersen
European Journal of Sociologu Vol. 38 (1997)
Analysis -
Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy
Barry R. Posen
in America's Strategic Choices, an International Security reader (MIT Press, 1997) (With Andrew L. Ross) [originally published in International Security Vol. 21, No. 3 (Winter 1996/97)
Analysis -
America's Strategic Choices
Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller (eds.)
(Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 1997)
Analysis -
China and United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, 1990-1995
M. Taylor Fravel
Asian Survey, Vol. 36, No. 11 (November 1996)
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Military Responses to Refugee Disasters
Barry R. Posen
in Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Cote, Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones and Steven E. Miller, eds., Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, an International Security reader (MIT Press: 1997) [Originally published in International Security Vol. 21, No. 1 (Summer 1996)]
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Military Responses to Refugee Disasters
Barry R. Posen
International Security Vol 21, No. 1 (Summer 1996)
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Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy: Containing the Threat of Loose Russian Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material
Owen Cote, Graham Allison, Richard Falkenrath, and Steven E. Miller
Book -
The British and American Armies in World War II: Explaining Variations in Organizational Learning Patterns
Eric Heginbotham
Dacs Working Paper, February 1996
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Appendix: A Primer on Fissile Materials and Nuclear Weapons Design
Owen R. Cote Jr.
In Owen R. Coté Jr., Graham Allison, Steven E. Miller and Richard A Falkenrath, Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy (Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 1996)
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A Defense Concept for Ukraine
Barry R. Posen
in Irina Kobrinskaya and Sherman Garnett, eds., Ukraine: Issues of Security (Moscow: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1996) [in Russian] [English translation provided by SSP]
Analysis -
Defense Loses Credibility With Purchase of C-17s Over 747s
Owen R. Cote Jr.
Seattle Post Inteligence, November 15, 1995
Commentary -
Department of Defense Would Be Wise To Choose 747 Over C-17
Owen R. Cote Jr.
Seattle Post Intelligence, August 22, 1995
Commentary -
The Conventional Military Balance in Korea
Eric Heginbotham
Breakthroughs (Spring 1995) (With Nick Beldecos)
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Appendix: The Russian Nuclear Archipelago
Owen R. Cote Jr.
In Carin Atterling Wedar, Michael Intriligator, and Peeter Vares, eds., Implications of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union for Accidental/Inadvertent Uses of Weapons of Mass Destruction (1992)
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"Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and the Technological Transformation of Japan
Richard J. Samuels
Book -
States, Markets, and the Politics of Reciprocal Consent
Richard J. Samuels
(from The Business of the Japanese State) reprinted in: John Ravenhill, ed., The Political Economy of East Asia (London: Edward Elgar, 1994)
Analysis -
Nationalism, the Mass Army, and Military Power
Barry R. Posen
International Security Vol. 18, No. 2 (Fall 1993) [Later published in John L. Comaroff and Paul C. Stern, eds., Perspectives on Nationalism and War (Overseas Publishers Association, 1995)]