China Steps Out: Beijing's Major Power Engagement with the Developing World
Joshua Eisenman and Eric Heginbotham, Editors
Routledge, 2018
Democratic Accountability and Foreign Security Policy: Theory and Evidence from India
Vipin Narang and Paul Staniland
Security Studies, 27:3, 410-447; 08 January 2018
Non-Traditional Security Dilemmas: Can Military Operations Other Than War Intensify Security Competition?
Erik Lin-Greenberg
Asian Security Vol. 14, No. 3 (Fall 2018)
China’s Evolving Nuclear Deterrent: Major Drivers and Issues for the United States
Eric Heginbotham
RAND Corporation, 2017 (With Michael S. Chase et al.)
The Creation of the PLA Strategic Support Force and Its Implications for Chinese Military Space Operations
Eric Heginbotham
RAND Corporation, 2017 (With Kevin L. Pollpeter and Michael S. Chase)
The U.S.-China Military Scorecard: Forces, Geography, and the Evolving Balance of Power
Eric Heginbotham
RAND Corporation, 2017 (With Michael Nixon et al.)
Japan's Energy Security: Strategic Discourse and Domestic Politics
Richard J. Samuels and Mike M. Mochizuki
in Mike M. Mochizuki and Deepa Ollapally, (eds.), Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia (London: Routledge, 2017)
Nuclear Stability, Conventional Instability: North Korea and the Lessons from Pakistan
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
War on the Rocks, November 20, 2017
Why Zimbabwe's Military Abandoned Mugabe
Philip Martin
Foreign Affairs, November 17, 2017
Deadly Clerics: Blocked Ambition and the Paths to Jihad
Richard A. Nielsen
Review Essay 34 on Harold Brown: Offsetting the Soviet Military Challenge, 1977-1981
Harvey M. Sapolsky
H-Diplo | ISSF Review Essay 34, November 7, 2017
What Political Science Tells Us About The Risk of Civil War in Spain
Sara Plana
War on the Rocks, October 25, 2017
Deadly Overconfidence: Trump Thinks Missile Defenses Work Against North Korea, and that Should Scare You
Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, October 16, 2017 (With Ankit Panda)
Rebel Networks’ Deep Roots Cause Concerns for Côte d’Ivoire Transition
Philip Martin (with
Women will soon be issuing fatwas in Saudi Arabia: this isn't as groundbreaking as you'd think
Richard A. Nielsen
Washington Post Monkey Cage, October 10, 2017
Anatomy by Memory: Sassoon on the Politics of Arab Authoritarianism
Richard Nielsen
H-Diplo Roundtable Review, Vol. XIX, No. 6. October 9, 2017
Emotions as the Residue of Lived Experience
Roger Petersen
PS: Political Science & Politics Vol. 50, No. 4 (October 2017)
Civil Wars & the Structure of World Power
Barry R. Posen
Daedalus, Vol. 146, No. 4, Fall 2017, pp. 167-179
Command and Control in North Korea: What a Nuclear Launch Might Look Like
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, September 15, 2017
Why Kim Jong-Un wouldn't be irrational to use a nuclear bomb first
Vipin Narang
Washington Post, September 8, 2017 (to appear in print version September 10th)
Welcome to the H-Bomb Club, North Korea
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
War on the Rocks, September 4, 2017
Why India Did Not 'Win' the Standoff with China
M. Taylor Fravel
War on the Rocks, September 1, 2017
How North Korea Shocked the Nuclear Experts
Vipin Narang
Politico, August 26, 2017 (With Nicholas L. Miller)
The Price of War With North Korea
Barry Posen
New York Times, December 6, 2017