Japan’s Nuclear Hedge: Beyond ‘Allergy’ and ‘Breakout’
Richad J. Samuels
in Demetrios James Caraley and Robert Jervis, eds. The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Extending the U.S. Umbrella and Increasing Chances of War. New York: The Academy of Political Science, 2018 (with James Schoff).
North Korea Is a Nuclear Power. Get Used to It
Vipin Narang and Ankit Panda
Protecting America from a Bad Deal: Ending US Participation in the Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Jim Walsh
Written testimony for the hearing before Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, U.S. House of Representatives, June 6, 2018, pp. 1-18.
Between Two Caesars: The Christians of Northern Iraq
Roger Petersen
Providence No. 10 (Winter 2018) (With Matthew Cancian)
Active Denial: Redesigning Japan's Response to China's Military Challenge
Eric Heginbotham and Richard J. Samuels
International Security, Vol, 42, No. 4, Spring 2018
Trump thinks his North Korea strategy will work on Iran. He's wrong on both
Vipin Narang (with Colin H. Kahl)
State Capacity Redux: Integrating Classical and Experimental Contributions to an Enduring Debate
Fotini Christia (with Elissa Berwick)
Annual Review of Political Science (ARPS), Vol.21, 2018
Chinese Regime Insecurity, Domestic Authoritarianism, and Foreign Policy
Rachel Esplin Odell
in Nicholas D. Wright, ed., AI, China, Russia, and the Global Order: Technological, Political, Global, and Creative Perspectives, A Strategic Multilayer Assessment Periodic Publication, 2018.
Why Washington’s New Drone Export Policy is Good for National Security
Erik Lin-Greenberg
War on the Rocks, April 24, 2018
Unrestrained: The Politics of America’s Primacist Foreign Policy
Harvey M. Sapolsky
in Benjamin H. Friedman and Trevor Thrall, editors, U.S. Grand Strategy in the 21st Century: The Case for Restraint .London: Routledge, 2018 (with Benjamin H. Friedman).
India’s nuclear strategy twenty years later: From reluctance to maturation
Vipin Narang
India Review Vol. 17, No. 1 (2017)
“Hoping Primacy Stays Cheap: America’s Grand Strategy
Harvey M. Sapolsky
in Christian Leuprecht, Joel Sokolsky, and Thomas Hughes, editors, North American Security in the 21st Century. New York: Springer Press, 2018.
The Very Healthy U.S. Defense Innovation System
Harvey M. Sapolsky and Eugene Gholz
in Tai Ming Cheun, editor, Leaders, Laggards, and Followers: The Global Competition for Defense. La Jolla, CA: Institute for Global Conflict, 2018
The Trump-Kim Summit and North Korean Denuclearization: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Ankit Panda and Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, March 14, 2018
Is Trump’s Meeting With Kim Jong Un A Good Idea?
Jim Walsh
WBUR, Cognoscenti, March 13, 2018
Frenemies: Putin and Erdogan
Carol Saivetz
Lawfareblog.com, March 4, 2018
With Friends Like These: Japan-ROK Cooperation and US Policy
Eric Heginbotham and Richard Samuels
The Asan Forum, March - April 2018 Vol.6, No.2
The Rise of Illiberal Hegemony: Trump's Surprising Grand Strategy
Barry R. Posen
Foreign Affairs, March/April 2018
North Korea Defied the Theoretical Odds: What Can We Learn from its Successful Nuclearization?
Vipin Narang and Nicholas L. Miller
Texas National Security Review, February 13, 2018
The Discrimination Problem: Why Putting Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons On Submarines Is So Dangerous
Vipin Narang
War on the Rocks, February 8, 2018
Review Essay 38 on: Jessica L. Adler, Burdens of War: Creating the United States Veterans Health System
Harvey M. Sapolsky
H-Diplo | ISSF, Review Essay 38, February 7, 2018
Shifts in Warfare and Party Unity: Explaining China's Changes in Military Strategy
M. Taylor Fravel
International Security, Volume 42, Issue 3, Winter 2017/18
What the G7 Fiasco Means for Japan
Mina Pollmann
The Diplomat, June 12, 2018