Under the Radar Rapprochement: Turkey and Iraqi Kurds
Caitlin Talmadge
Foreign Policy, June 25, 2010 (With Mara E. Karlin)
Going Nuclear: Nuclear Proliferation and International Security in the 21st Century
Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller (eds.)
(Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 2010)
Dragon Boats: Assessing China’s Participation in Horn of Africa Anti-Piracy Operations
Erik Lin-Greenberg
Defense and Security Analysis Vol. 26, No. 2 (June 2010)
The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict
M. Taylor Fravel
Security Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2 (May 2010)
Deterring a Nuclear 9/11
Caitlin Talmadge
The Washington Quarterly Vol. 30 (No. 2) (2007)
Submarines in the Air Sea Battle
Owen R. Cote Jr.
The John Hopkins Submarine Technology Symposium, 2010
Explaining Stability in the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Dispute
M. Taylor Fravel
In Gerald Curtis, Ryosei Kokubun, and Wang Jisi, eds., Getting the Triangle Straight: Managing China-Japan-US Relations (Washington, DC: THe Brookings Institution Press, 2010)
Revenge or Reconciliation: Theory and Method of Emotions in the Context of Colombia’s Peace Process
Roger Petersen
In Morten Bergsmo and Pablo Kalmonowitz, eds., Law in Peace Negotiations (Torkel Opsahl: 2010) (With Sarah Zukerman)
Posturing for Peace? Pakistan's Nuclear Postures and South Asian Stability
Vipin Narang
International Security Vol 34, No. 3 (Winter 2009/2010)
Costs and Difficulties of Blocking the Strait of Hormuz
Caitlin Talmadge
correspondence with William D. O’Neil, International Security Vol. 33, No. 3 (Winter 2009)
Zhongguo junshi jueqi chutan [A Preliminary Analysis of China’s Military Rise]
M. Taylor Fravel
Zhongguo Guoiji Zhanlue Pinglun, No. 2, 2009
Emerging Multipolarity: Why Should We Care?
Barry R. Posen
Current History Vol. 108, No. 721 (November 2009)
US Military Innovation since the Cold War: Creation without destruction
Harvey Sapolsky, Benjamin Friedman, Brendan Green
Pakistan’s nukes are safe. Maybe.
Vipin Narang
Foreign Policy, August 13, 2009
Pride, Prejudice, and Prithvis: Strategic Weapons Behavior in South Asia
Vipin Narang
in Scott D. Sagan, ed., Inside Nuclear South Asia (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009)
Anger, Violence, and Political Science
Roger Petersen
In M. Potegal, G. Stemmler, & C. Spielberger, eds., A Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes (Springer, Summer 2009) (With Sarah Zukerman)
Primacy and Its Discontents
Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller (eds.)
(Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 2009)
Who Are These Belligerent Democratizers? Reassessing the Impact of Democratization on War
Vipin Narang
International Organization Vol. 63, No. 2 (2009)
An Agenda for Submarine Force Experimentation
Owen R. Cote Jr.
The Submarine Review, April 2009
Revenge or Reconciliation: Theory and Method of Emotions in the Context of Colombia’s Peace Process
Roger Petersen
International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law, 2009. Spanish version to be published in Colombia by the Vice Presidency and the Universidad del Rosario Press. (With Sarah Zukerman)
Japan's Goldilocks Strategy
Richard J. Samuels
A.T.J. Lennon and A. Kozlowski, eds., Global Powers in the 21st Strategy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Pres, 2008)
Genesis of the War
Vipin Narang
Operation Iraqi Freedom: Volume 1, The Genesis, MG-643/1-A, Santa Monica: RAND Publications, 2008. Not for Public Release.
“Overkill,” (part of “The Containment Conundrum: How Dangerous is a Nuclear Iran?”)
Barry R. Posen
Foreign Affairs, July/August 2010