
The Future of American Military Intervention

Roger Petersen

Horizons No. 18 (Winter 2021)


Who’s fooling who? Mimicry, International Norms, and (Self) Deception

Roger Petersen

(Unpublished) (With Mila Dragojević)


Take Emotions Out of Politics

Roger Petersen

Precis (Fall 2020/Winter 2021)


Review of The Last Card: Inside George W. Bush’s Decision to Surge in Iraq.

Roger Petersen

Review of Timothy Andrews Sayle, Jeffery A. Engel, Hal Brands, and William Inboden. The Last Card: Inside George W. Bush’s Decision to Surge in Iraq. H-Diplo Roundtable, XXII-7, October 12, 2020.



Anger and Politics

Roger Petersen

in Emotion Researcher: ISRE’s Sourcebook for Research on Emotion and Affect, Carolyn Price and Eric Walle (Eds.), August 2019.


Between Two Caesars: The Christians of Northern Iraq

Roger Petersen

Providence No. 10 (Winter 2018) (With Matthew Cancian)



Guilt, Shame, Balts, Jews

Roger Petersen

in Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies (Jackson School of Publications in International Studies), Daniel Chirot, Gi-Wok Shin, and Daniel Sneider, editors (University of Washington Press, 2014)


Western Interventions and Occupations as Threatened Orders

Roger Petersen

Written for the Collaborative Research Centre 923 Project on Threatened Orders, Tuebingen University, Germany, published in Ewald Frie and Mischa Meier, eds.,  Aufruhr - Katastophe - Konkurrenz - Zerfall: Bedrohte Ordnungen als Thema der Kulturwissenschaften (Mohr Siebeck: 2014).


Roles and Mechanisms of Insurgency and the Conflict in Syria

Roger Petersen

In “The Political Science of Syria’s War,” Project on Middle East Political Science, Briefing 22, December 2013


Characterization of Villages in Rural Afghanistan

Roger Petersen

Presented at the ASPRS (American Society for Photogammetry and Remote Sensing) Annual Convention, Baltimore, 2013 (With John Irvine, Janet Lepanto, Natasha Maruzon, John Regan, Edward Vaisman, Mon Young, and Fotini Christia)


Revenge or Reconciliation: Theory and Method of Emotions in the Context of Colombia’s Peace Process

Roger Petersen

In Morten Bergsmo and Pablo Kalmonowitz, eds., Law in Peace Negotiations (Torkel Opsahl: 2010) (With Sarah Zukerman)


Anger, Violence, and Political Science

Roger Petersen

In M. Potegal, G. Stemmler, & C. Spielberger, eds., A Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes (Springer, Summer 2009) (With Sarah Zukerman)


Revenge or Reconciliation: Theory and Method of Emotions in the Context of Colombia’s Peace Process

Roger Petersen

International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law, 2009. Spanish version to be published in Colombia by the Vice Presidency and the Universidad del Rosario Press. (With Sarah Zukerman)


Resentment, Fear, and the Structure of the Military in Multiethnic States

Roger Petersen

In Steve Saideman and Marie-Joëlle Zahar, eds., Intra-State Conflict, Governments and Security: Dilemma of Deterrence and Assurance  (Routledge: 2008) (With Paul Staniland)


The Strategic Use of Emotion in Conflict: Emotion and Interest in the Reconstruction of Multiethnic States

Roger Petersen

In Argumentacion, negociacion, racional y acuerdos (Bogota: 2008)

