

Doctrine, Capabilities, and (In)Stability in South Asia

Vipin Narang

in Michael Krepon and Julia Thompson, eds., Deterrence Stability and Escalation Control in South Asia (Washington DC: Stimson Center Press, 2013) (With Christopher Clary)


U.S.-China Cooperation in the Nuclear Realm: From Non-Proliferation to Arms Control

Eric Heginbotham

in Lewis A. Dunn, ed., Building Toward a Stable and Cooperation Long-Term U.S.-China Strategic Relationship, December 31, 2012


Capability without strategy

Vipin Narang

Indian Express, May 22, 2012 (With Christopher Clary)



Going Nuclear: Nuclear Proliferation and International Security in the 21st Century

Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller (eds.)

(Cambridge, MA.: M.I.T. University Press, 2010)


Deterring a Nuclear 9/11

Caitlin Talmadge

The Washington Quarterly Vol. 30 (No. 2) (2007)


Pakistan’s nukes are safe. Maybe.

Vipin Narang

Foreign Policy, August 13, 2009


A Nuclear-Armed Iran: A Difficult But Not Impossible Policy

Barry R. Posen

The Century Foundation, December 6, 2006


We Can Live With a Nuclear Iran

Barry R. Posen

The New York Times, February 27, 2006 [Reprinted in the International Herald Tribune, April 19, 2007]


U.S. Defense Mobilization in the Aftermath of a Nuclear Terrorist Attack

Caitlin Talmadge

(Cambridge, MA: The Long Term Strategy Project, 2006)


Striking a Balance: the Lessons of U.S.-Russian Nuclear Materials Security Cooperation

Caitlin Talmadge

Non-proliferation Review Vol 12, No. 1 (2005)


Meeting the North Korean Nuclear Challenge

Eric Heginbotham

Council of Foreign Relations Task Force Report, CFR, Spring 2003 (With Morton I. Abramowitz and James T. Laney)


Missile Defense, Deterrence, and Arms Control: Contradictory Aims or Compatible Goals?

Vipin Narang

Geneva: United Nations Publications, UNIDIR/2002/3, 2002 (With Fanny de Swarte)


Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy

Owen R. Cote, Jr.

The Washington Quarterly Vol. 20, No. 3 (Summer 1997) (With Graham T. Allison, Richard A. Falkenrath, and Steven E. Miller)


Appendix: The Russian Nuclear Archipelago

Owen R. Cote Jr.

In Carin Atterling Wedar, Michael Intriligator, and Peeter Vares, eds., Implications of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union for Accidental/Inadvertent Uses of Weapons of Mass Destruction (1992)


Transport, Storage, and Dismantlement of Nuclear Weapons

Ashton B. Carter and Owen R. Cote, Jr.

In Graham T. Allison, Ashton B. Carter, Steven E. Miller & Phillip Zelikow, eds., Cooperative Denuclearization: From Pledges to Deeds, CSIA Studies in Security No. 2, Harvard University, January 1993


Safety and Security Enhancements for Residual Nuclear Forces

Owen R. Cote, Jr.

In Carin Atterling Wedar, Michael Intriligator, and Peeter Vares, eds., Implications of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union for Accidental/Inadvertent Uses of Weapons of Mass Destruction (1992) (With Steven E. Miller)

