The U.S.-China Nuclear Relationship: Why Competition Is Likely to Intensify
Caitlin Talmadge
in Tarun Chhabra, Rush Doshi, Ryan Haas, Emilie Kimball, eds., Global China: Assessing China’s Growing Role in the World (Washington, DC: Brookings Press, 2021)
China is not an enemy
M. Taylor Fravel (with J. Stapleton Roy, Michael D. Swaine, Susan A. Thornton, and Ezra Vogel)
Washington Post, July 3, 2019
Why North Korea Is Testing Missiles Again
Vipin Narang
Foreign Affairs, May 16, 2019 (With Ankit Panda)
Active Defense: China's Military Strategy since 1949
M. Taylor Fravel
The Hanoi Summit - We Asked Se Young Jang What Happens Next in U.S.-North Korea Relations
Se Young Jang
The National Interest, March 12, 2019
The Hanoi Summit was Doomed from the Start
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
Foreign Affairs, March 5, 2019
Are nuclear weapons keeping the India-Pakistan crisis from escalating—or making it more dangerous?
Caitlin Talmadge
Washington Post, March 5, 2019
North Korea and America’s Second Summit: Here’s What Vipin Narang Thinks Will Happen
Vipin Narang
The National Interest, February 6, 2019
India's Counterforce Temptations
Vipin Narang and Christopher Clary
International Security, Vol. 43, No. 3, (Winter 2018/19) pp. 7-52
Proof of the Bomb: The Influence of Previous Failure on Intelligence Judgments of Nuclear Programs
Cullen Nutt
The Year of Living Dangerously With Nuclear Weapons
Nicholas L. Miller and Vipin Narang
Foreign Affairs, January 11, 2019
Invisible nuclear-armed submarines, or transparent oceans? Are ballistic missile submarines still the best deterrent for the United States?
Owen R. Cote Jr.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol 75, No. 1, 2019, pp. 30-35
Diplomacy without Denuclearization: North Korea in 2018
Vipin Narang, with Ankit Panda
War on the Rocks, December 24, 2018
Is India Shifting to a Nuclear Counterforce Strategy?
Vipin Narang, with Christopher Clary
International Security, Vol. 43, No. 2, Winter 2018/2019
Would U.S. Leaders Push the Button? Wargames and the Sources of Nuclear Restraint
Reid B.C. Pauly
International Security, Volume 43, Issue 2, Fall 2018 p.151-192
Want to Punish Saudi Arabia? Cut Off Its Weapons Supply
Jonathan Caverley
New York Times, October 12, 2018
Learning to Love Kim's Bomb: The Upside of a Nuclear-Armed North Korea
Joshua Shifrinson
Foreign Affairs, October 3, 2018
North Korea's Nuclear Program Isn't Going Anywhere
Vipin Narang (with Ankit Panda)
Foreign Affairs, August 13, 2018
Civil-Military Pathologies and Defeat in War: Tests Using New Data
Vipin Narang, with Caitlin Talmadge
Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 62, No. 7, August 2018, pp. 1379-1405
Nuclear Deterrence in the India-China Dyad
Vipin Narang
in T.V. Paul, ed., The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era (Georgetown University Press, 2018)
There are Signs North Korea is Still Working on its Nuclear Program
Vipin Narang, with Jane Vaynman
Washington Post, June 30, 2018
Why India wants to break its decades-old nuclear pledge
Vipin Narang and Christopher Clary
BBC News, 22 August 2019