Assessing Israel’s Strike on Iran

Alexander Palmer, Daniel Byman, Seth G. Jones, and Joseph S. Bermudez | CSIS

May 3, 2024

A map of Isfahan Shahid Beheshti Iran with landmark labels

"Given the scale and unprecedented nature of Iran’s attack, the Israeli response seems small. But the April 19 attack is best understood as a calibrated attempt to deter Iran while avoiding escalation. Israel’s response carried a clear threat against Iran’s most sensitive political and military targets, particularly its nuclear infrastructure, while avoiding key triggers for further escalation. The design of the strike suggests that Israel wants to avoid war with Iran, just as Iran is signaling that it does not seek war with Israel."

--Commentary in CSIS by SSP alum Daniel Byman, Alexander Palmer, Seth G. Jones, and Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. 


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